Welcome to your resource library – the toolkit for celebrating volunteers throughout June!

Here you’ll find logos, templates, ready-to-share graphics and creative celebration ideas to help your organisation express gratitude to your volunteers.

Join us in making June a month of appreciation for our volunteers across the motū.

Create your own social media posts and printed pieces with these editable templates.

Social media Canva templates
These square format social media templates are ready for you to edit and add a message of thanks, quote or photo to share.

NVW Email block + Newsletter header – Canva templates
Add an NVW promotion to your email with these email block templates, edit for your organisation or leave as is.

NVW certificate template
Edit your own certificate to email, print and share to show your appreciation.

Share a heart or star of thanks!
Use this NVW Star or Heart Canva template to edit and add your own message of thanks. Add a message, print, take photos with your stars, share on social, send via email, etc.

Facebook cover Canva templates
These examples are Facebook cover templates ready for you to edit for your organisation, add a photo or message

NVW photo frame
Simply click and add your own photo to this photo frame to share for NVW!

NVW Certificate 2024

Print and write your own message of thanks

Create and edit your own certificate with this template– then email or print as needed.

Looking for a virtual way to thank your volunteers?
Send a free e-card Certificate of Appreciation directly to your volunteer’s email.

Printable Thank you cards

Designed to print at home/office printer – two cards printed on one A4 page.

Printable in-house Thank you Cards.
2 cards to an A4 page

Printable thank you cards
2 cards to an A4 page

Printable thank you cards
2 cards to an A4 page.

Professional printing file setup.
This is a print-ready file with printer’s crop marks included – use this if sending for professional printing.

Download (312 downloads)


National Volunteer Week celebrates the collective contribution of the millions of volunteers who enrich Aotearoa New Zealand.

National Volunteer Week 2024 runs from June 16-22. This year’s theme is ‘Whiria te tangata – weaving the people together’. Volunteering weaves us together, strengthening the fabric of our community. Join us this National Volunteer Week as we recognise those who share their time, talent and energy.
(63 words)


National Volunteer Week 2024:  Whiria te tangata – weaving the people together

National Volunteer Week celebrates the collective contribution of the millions of volunteers who enrich Aotearoa New Zealand.

National Volunteer Week 2024 runs from June 16-22. This year’s theme is ‘Whiria te tangata – weaving the people together’. Volunteering weaves us together, strengthening the fabric of our community.

Now more than ever, as a volunteering community we commit to manaakitanga and whakawhanaungatanga. We commit to caring, and to building meaningful, enduring and inclusive relationships across our differences and to make space for diverse voices.

Join us this National Volunteer Week as we celebrate our collective impact.(99)


National Volunteer Week 2024:  Whiria te tangata – weaving the people together

National Volunteer Week celebrates the collective contribution of the millions of volunteers who enrich Aotearoa New Zealand.

National Volunteer Week 2024 runs from June 16-22. This year’s theme is ‘Whiria te tangata – weaving the people together’. Volunteering weaves us together, strengthening the fabric of our community.

Volunteering is a powerful movement. When we volunteer our time, skills and energy, we show we care for our communities. This National Volunteer Week we celebrate the diversity of volunteers and volunteering, mahi aroha and social action in Aotearoa. 

Volunteers are our companions, firefighters, sports team coaches, fierce advocates, environmental stewards, and so much more. In marae, mosques, churches, and communities across Aotearoa. 

Volunteers are first responders in emergencies, clean-up our beaches and restore wild places, provide baking and meals for those in need, and support people who are having a hard time. 

Now more than ever, as a volunteering community we commit to manaakitanga and whakawhanaungatanga. We commit to caring, and to building meaningful, enduring and inclusive relationships across our differences and to make space for diverse voices.

We can create a diverse, inclusive, and connected future. Join us this National Volunteer Week as we celebrate our collective impact.

(196 words)

National Volunteer Week 16–22 June 2024 honours the collective energies and mana of all our volunteers in Aotearoa. Volunteering New Zealand leads the week and encourages all volunteer-involving organisations to celebrate their volunteers. 

We know that volunteers are the life-blood of our organisations, we couldn’t do without them!

Here are some ideas to mark National Volunteer Week. Pick and choose the ones that resonate with you.

  1. Check out nationalvolunteerweek.nz for everything you need to know about NVW2024. 
  2. Whiria te tangata is this year’s theme – wherever possible, use the NVW2024 theme as the basis for all your activities and celebrations.
  3. Social Media Campaign – Share pictures on social media, give a shout-out to your volunteers by holding star or heart print-outs and share using #NVW2024
  4. Collaborate – connect with local community groups to create a combined NVW2024 campaign (shared effort, more impact!).
  5. Celebratory event – hold a morning/ afternoon tea, or maybe your crew would prefer a BBQ, to thank volunteers and their families.
  6. Thank you cards – Thank you cards are available at nationalvolunteerweek.nz, or make your own.
  7. Certificate of recognition – Use NVW as an opportunity to formally acknowledge your volunteers. A Certificate template is available at nationalvolunteerweek.nz
  8. Create thank you videos – interview a manager or self-record a thank you to your fabulous volunteers. Post it on your website or social media.
  9. Volunteer recognition – contact local media with stories about your volunteers (even better when they’re told from the perspective of your volunteers).
  10. Ask your volunteers – ask your volunteers to choose from options e.g. a combined event, or individual recognition
  11. Share your volunteer stories with Volunteering New Zealand – share your good news stories about volunteers
  12. Contact your local Volunteer Centre – Your local Volunteer Centre is the best place to start for learning about what online events and activities are happening in your region for NVW2024.
  13. Nominate volunteers for local awards – (often run by Volunteer Centres) or create your own awards, and award celebration
  14. Give small practical gifts – a potted plant, foodie items etc.
  15. Use NVW2024 to encourage regular interactions between your whole team – If you’re a volunteer involving organisation, consider what regular team interactions between volunteers and paid staff you could establish to help strengthen relationships. 

Download the PDF to share

Ideas for these Star and Heart templates – Print, hold up and take a photo with your team to share on social media. Use this Star template in Canva to add your own text and/or image.

The Big Shout Out is happening again in June! A month long campaign to celebrate volunteers. Head to the Volunteering New Zealand website for all the info and access to ready-to-share Big Shout Out graphics.

Create your own Big Shout Out graphics

Use these editable Canva templates to create your own social media graphics and printed pieces. Add photos, quotes, facts and messages of thanks.

The Big Shout Out Photo frame
Place your photo in this photo frame generator and download to share.

Square format social media editable Canva templates.
Suitable for Instagram and Facebook

Ready-to-share Social Media + web Big Shout Out graphics 

Download these ready-to-share graphics and share via social media and web.

Ready to share graphic #1

Ready to share graphic #2

Ready to share graphic #3

Ready to share graphic #4

Print and write your own message of thanks to your volunteers, or create your own online.

Ready to share graphic #5

Ready to share graphic #6

Ready to share graphic #7